Thursday 24 January 2013

Creating the Radio Avert

I was a little nervous going into create the radio advert in the college recording studio...

I have never been very skilled in technology, I've often been very clumsy and make mistakes, so going into the new recording studio, with equipment that I have never seen - let alone used - before, I knew that there was a learning curve to the process of recording, editing and exporting my data.

   After a quick tutorial from a Media tutor, I knew I had that basic knowledge of the equipment, such as an Apple Mac, Audacity and the recording set-up and decided to begin my recordings.

I used my own voice for character 'Woman 2' and used a female actor for 'Woman 1' and this would give me a variety of tones and distinctive voices for the radio advert, yet both still had a local accent. My voice is quite high pitched, yet quite soft and the actors voice was of a deeper tone, yet her words were often emphasised by a several loud, high notes.

It took a few takes to get a fluent recording but after 20 minutes, I got to a stage where I was happy with the recording and script. The only issue I had was that, on hindsight, I should of recorded each line separately so that there were slight pauses in between the speeches, as it seems as if we rushed the conversation.

Overall, the experience was very educational and I feel that I would be able to do it again in future with out any problems.

The next stage that I need to take editing this piece of recording into making it a radio advert and this would be using another software that I had never used before either, so again, I will have to learn on my feet for this.

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