Thursday 17 January 2013

Radio Script Ideas

Writing the script...

I was at the stage where I felt that I needed to jot ideas and plans for a script before I lost any motivation. My ideas were as follows:
  1. Have a scene of a building site, where there are 2 builders e.g. a slightly dumb and naive one and a sensible, reliable builder. This was to represent the other newspapers being 'dumbed-down' compared to the reliable and trustworthy paper such as mine. The main idea behind this was to have the dumb builder -call him Builder 1- reading a newspaper, where he would go onto believe and retell a bizarre story that is featured within the paper. Thus making the sensible reader -Builder 2- exclaim in frustration at the stupidity of the newspaper and that Builder 1 should get a new reading source -preferably Tlydesley Today.
      2. My second idea was largely based around the first idea, involving 2 characters where one is less gullible than the other. Yet, this time involving females, I did this to fit in with the stereotype of women having a lower IQ and are more gullible than perhaps men.This time, I felt that the scene would be good in a shopping centre with all the ambient sound available, however, I felt that it would have been hard to determine in a radio advert.
      3. Developing on from my second idea, I thought that the most recognisable place with sound effects would be either the city or the country i.e. park. When I began to listen to the sounds of a city, it could have been very over-powering for the audio of the voices, so I went on to choose the park setting as a scene for my radio advert.
Developing and writing the script:
(Scene setting: PARK - Faint whistle of wind, children's laughter and talk, Birds chirping, dog faintly barking in the distance? Rusty Playground equipment?)
Woman 1: (Rustle of paper) *amazed * Hey, have you seen this?
Woman 2: *patient but slightly patronising * No, whats it this time?
Woman 1: Well, it says here that there was aliens spotted on the top of astley brew last night...
Woman 2: *Amazed at her naivety * What? And you believe this?!?
Woman 1: Yeah, it says that there were three of them spotted by one local lad!
Woman 2: I think you need a new paper love. I get Tyldesley Today. Look, I can even get it on my mobile...

Mans Voice?: *Broad, Confident * Tyldesley Today. Local News YOU Can Believe In.
                        *Pants i.e from running * Ladies... (as a way of acknowledgement and greeting.)
Woman 2: *Flustered and appreciative*  Phew, he might not be an alien, but he sure is out of this world!!!!
This is the finalised script that I have chosen as I feel that it would attract a listener for a number of reasons, such as: Having a continuous script creates a drama and is similar to a radio play, which encourages the audience to carry on listening. Also, there is characters that alot of people could relate to and the friendship shown in the pair. Making it easy to relate to meant that it can attract and audience and make the brand - this case Tyldesley Today - seem more friendly and trustworthy, like a friendship between two people. It also has a slight addition of humour to the script, but not outright jokes where the jokes could over-look the required information about the newspaper, but just enough for an audience member to remember the quirky details and link it back to the name of Tyldesley Today.
Overall, I am pleased with the script that I have produced, however, I feel like it is a open script which I can easily change and adapt when recording, to make it flow more easily etc.

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