Tuesday 16 October 2012

Advert Research

I am not usually a fan of looking at adverts in a newspaper...

In order to find inspiration for my adverts, I have decided to look at professional ones that are displayed in newspapers around the country.

This is an advert for a pub and I think that the design and layout is good but to me the colours don't represent the pub as well. I think that there is nothing that definitely stands out from the page as the colours are too vivid as individual colours and do not really compliment one another in the size that the advert would be.
I was unsure whether there was any difference between normal advertisements and one that are placed within a local newspaper, so, my following research is looking at adverts place in the Leigh Journal. My local Newspaper.


I think that this advert is both basic yet has alot of information on it to offer. I think that the setting of the models are there to represent their personalties and what would appeal to certain audiences e.g. The woman is sat on an elegantly crean chaise lounge and has ornate furinture in the set - this makes the woman seem instantly of a wealthier class and this would appeal to many females, to aspire to be her. The male model on the other hand is in the outdoors and this makes him seem adventureous and sporty, thus appealing to men. It can be seen as quite stereotypical but is so subtle that it doesnt cause any offense to the viewers. The colours of the adverts seem to tie in with the image aswell i.e The females top (and most importantly shoes) and furniture, aswell as the man dark clothing can blend in with the dark blue and ivory colour scheme.
This is an advert for a restaruant and I think that it tries to illustrate the decor of the restraunt the most, which I first found quite unusual as I was expecting to see images of their food or chefs. However, the image does link in with the text 'Contemporary Indian Restraunt' and this can mean both modern indian food aswell as the interior. I think that the colour choice is wise as the reds keep in theme with their own logo whilst the blues help the highlighted texts stand out and catch the eye of a viewer...

This is an advert for a fireplace company and obviously the main focus of the advert is the new fireplaces, so it contains alot of photographs on it, yet displays them in a formatted and uniform structure -which I find to be the most professional looking. The colour scheme ties in with the idea of a 'fire' with the ambers and orange tones and they contrast well with both the white and the black aspects of the infographics.
I find that this is an advert that you would most likely expect to see within your local newspaper, largely down to the unprofessionally shot image of the store. I think that the best feature of the advert is the sizing of the door on the left hand space as it takes up half of that area and instantly attracts the eye towards it. The company has stuck to the 3-colour rule yet I feel that it wouldn't have downgraded them if they included another colour in order to brighten things up.

This is what I consider to be the brightest advert out of them all that I have reserached and the reason and idea behind this was to choose autumn colours - ambers, browns, greens and yellows- to emphaises and make the viewers instantly recognise the season for the sale. I feel that this is one of the most successful adverts as I believe that the sizing of the texts and image work well with one another and there is alot of inormation on the page, yet it has still got enough space to display backgrounds etc.

I was surprised to see that this image was in black/white but as I thought about it more, I knew that it made sense to do it this way. This advert in particular was full-scale towards the page and in the long run, it would be more cost efficeient for the image to be in this greyscale as then it would be easier to reproduce. I like how you can instantly tell the subject of the advert and the information is easy to see (except the small print like the Terms and Conditions etc) and the sticker labels help distinguish the most important information that the company is trying to get across.

I think that this advert is one of my favourites in what I researched. It plays on the stereotypical views on cleaning on the sexist view that it is a woman chore - using the stereotypical colour of pink and a bleach blonde woman in a small black dress. I think that the fonts used make the advert more eye-ctaching and lively and delievers the information straight away. The contact details are obvious to the veiwer and I think that overall it is a very successful advert.
From the research that I have just conducted, I can see that colours and scaling are highly important in showing off images and objects. I could proceed to do adverts with both photographs and without and yet could both be easily successful.
I also prefer to have the advert jam-packed with information rather than just using a basic lay-out and this is also supported by my previous questionnaire using the question of:
Do you prefer to see adverts that….?

Attract your eye with colours.
Have good information to offer
That have a simple, clean layout
That are mainly pictures
With the majority of the feedback being that the audience prefer to see mainly pictures and images, I shall create several pieces that include just this type of information.

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