I feel that my next stage to do is perhaps the adverts...
I think that it is something that will take up time but isn't necessarily the most important aspect of the newspaper.
However, I feel that adverts should relate to the readers and on order to gain more of an insight into the target audience, I shall conduct a questionnaire that gives me information and likes/dislikes of the community, their own taste etc.
The example of my questionnaire is below and it is a simple multiple choice one that gives me information the quickest. I perhaps should have done an open answer questionnaire, as this would give true opinionated results, however, I felt that this would have taken up too much time to gather the results and to put a common theme among them in order to create stories and adverts that would appeal to everyone.I shall hand this to Winstanley College students, as well as Tyldesley locals as well as a online survey as I feel that these would give me the best overall opinion related to newspapers.
Do you read your Local Newspaper?
Do you look/read the adverts?
Yes, if they concern me or my interests.
No, They don’t usually concern me.
Sometime, but only if they catch my eye
What would you consider paying for a newspaper?
I would want it free
Less than 50p
More than 50p
What do you feel is the least important thing for you to read?
Crime news in the area
About Local Businesses and Schools
The advertising Pages
Other ……………………………………………………………………………………
What writing style do you prefer?
Informative Writing
Friendly Writing
Minimum Words Possible
Lively, Confident yet Informative
Do you use your local facilities?
Do you enter competitions?
Yes, (e.g. If the prize is worth while.)
No, (e.g. If they cost money to enter)
Do you prefer to see adverts that….?
Attract your eye with colours.
Have good information to offer
That have a simple, clean layout
That are mainly pictures
Are You male or Female?
Prefer Not to say
How often would you want to get a newspaper (e.g delivered)?
Every week
Every 2 weeks
Once a Month
Whenever I would collect it at a shop
What type of information appeals most to you?
Real life/ local news
From my research, I have put the most important answers into a graph, so they easily illustrate the results, I think even though I have shown only a few questions in this format, it shows me what I need to focus on and what the audience would like - plus, I have kept all of the results from the questionnaire is I need to refer back to them at a later stage.
I have used Microsoft Excel to create these graphs and Microsoft Word to create the questionnaire, the reason why I have not created an online survey was because i felt that not alot of people would take time out to complete it, where as if I handed it to them, there is a higher chance that it would be completed successfully.
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