Monday 4 February 2013

Radio Advert

The outcome of the Radio Advert:

This is the outcome of my radio advert after all the post-production that I could do on it. I am unsure of how I feel about it as it has been a new experience to me, so I know that there are areas that I could improve upon greatly, but also the fact that I have managed to complete it to a level that is slightly respectable. 

The aspect that I am not pleased with is the dialogue of the actors as I didn't realise during recording how rushed and stilted the conversation seemed, but perhaps I am being a little too self critical.I do think that it gets the message across and the scripted play puts the audience in the actors situation and makes them able to relate to the scenario. 

I like the choice of music in the middle of the radio advert as it is uplifting, vibrant and up-beat, all the things that could portray a newspaper in a positive way.

I know know how to use the software so I am pleased that this experience has taught me something new and is a skill that I could use again in the future.