Monday 24 December 2012

Poster Creation 2

Second Attempt at a poster...

After the first attempt at  poster was pretty poor, I conducted a shoot on stacks of newspapers as I thought of a question to be 'Does Your paper deliver the truth?. This would directly address the viewer/reader and make them question whether their current newspaper was trustworthy.
  This would tie in with my newspapers tag line of 'Local News you can believe in...' and make the viewer/reader of the poster want to go out and buy or subscribe to 'Tyldesley Today'.

I really liked an image where all the newspapers were spread and layered on top of one another, creating horizontal lines across the photograph. However, when I placed this image within my own format of a poster, it became clustered and hard to focus on the text that I wanted to put across. I.e.My newspaper name etc.

It didn't seem to be working as well as I thought...

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Poster Creation

I thought that after I completed my front cover, the poster would be the next relevant stage in the process of creating my coursework.

My initial intentions for the poster were that there would be a newspaper open to a page were all the text were saying positive words like 'Honest. News. Local' etc.
   I collected my source for this by printing out a sheet of these words and photographing that at different angles but when I began to edit them, I soon realised that the quality of the lighting wasn't good enough to be large scale.
   I tried to over come this by making the page seem more clip-art (by brightening the page to a white as well as painting over the original text) and I felt that it contrast well against the black background that I had allocated yet it began to look to unprofessional and amateur and not resemble an actual newspaper.
This was as far as I attempted after losing motivation over the look and style of the newspaper that is featured within the poster. As you can see, I tried to make the key words in the poster LOCAL stand out in red, which also ties in with my other theme.

    It was nearing the end of the editing phase when I re-looked at my edited pages and despised them. I thought that they looked over edited and more like a clip-art image than any newspaper.

This caused me to rethink my designs for the poster and to conduct another shoot...

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Poster Research

After completing my newspaper, even though I know I can edit it at any stage, i can start my poster.

I feel that this is is a stage of my coursework that I can be comfortable with and I anticipate that the only aspect that would be to my disadvantage would be my technical skills using Photoshop as I feel that the outcome would look quite amateur, as I have never created a poster before in it and it would be a learning curve for me.

I found it hard to conduct some research for a poster advertising my new local paper, as I couldn't find many examples, other than other students previous work.

 This is an image of an advertising campaign set in Africa: 
The Zimbabwean Newspaper: Trillion Dollar Poster, The Zimbabwean Newspaper, Tbwa\hunt\lascaris, Print, Outdoor, Ads

The basic meaning behind the poster is using the money as a background as the newspaper is trying to  illustrate Zimbabwe's economical situation under President Mugabe.

After unsuccessfully finding professional poster adverts for local newspapers, I have decided to research several type of posters, e.g. billboard. As this will hopefully give me some sort of idea of presentation.

This poster is for a television station and the image correlates to the text i.e 'Nothing Gets You Closer' and a close-up photograph. It contains the channel name, show the type of station and contains a hash-tag so viewers can interact and connect via twitter.

I believe that this is a campaign for publicising London Taxis and it is a vivid colour and definitely attracts the eye.
I personally don't quite grasp the concept of the illustration but I can see that it it relates to some sort of map and thus, makes it relevant to a taxi firm.

I have noticed in both of these posters that the text is bold and blocked in colour and this is definitely something that I could pass on into my own poster at some stage.

Friday 7 December 2012

Finished Newspaper

This is my finished newspaper (albeit the first Two pages - Front cover and Page 2)

I am pleased with the outcome of my newspaper pages as I feel that the time and effort that I have placed into it shows how I have developed from my research and ideas as I went along with the production.

The only thing that I felt is a little overlooked is the colour scheme as it is very similar to the outcome of my AS media coursework of the Music Magazine as I have focused strongly on the Reds, Blacks and whites. This is because I feel that they are colours that don't have a dominant stereotypical view format on them i.e. Blue is considered masculine and pink is classed as feminine. The red and black are formal, unisex and professional yet are still colourful and vivid if the right tone red is used. However, in this unit I have added blue to create a more formal, inviting look and when I have placed it next to the other colours, it looses it connotations to it (masculine) and becomes more of an additional key tone and adds another feature to look at.

A feature that I like is the light grey box behind the column stories. I think that it ties the whole page together and that without it, the front cover would seem too full of text and have no balance. It separates the page into readable sections and yet, make all the pieces of information link together and fit on the page, without clustering.

Throughout the process of creating the front cover, I had to constantly develop and restructure my ideas as when I was planning the layout of my cover, I didn't think of text formats, advert size etc. So all these things had to be taken into account whilst I was creating my page and was easy to re-edit due to the Microsoft Publishing Software.

This is my second page and I feel that it is as strong as the front one and I have kept the colour scheme and format of the layout. By this, I mean that I have tried to put a frame with the side column of stories but, on the second page, I have added contact details for the newspaper and how the readers can keep in touch. I changed the scaling of the adverts to create a page that is a little more unbalanced and I think that this is a recognisable difference from the front cover, creating a diverse page.

I wanted the images on this page not just to be showing the identity of the 'missing teens' but also a visual guide for viewers to judge distance and location etc. The image of the teen couple is also showing a personal relationship, unlike the mug shot on the front cover.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Steps of progress

What Process I took...

These are image and screen shots of me demonstrating the basic steps of creating the newspaper 'Tyldesley Today'. However, I did alot of different changes along the way and documenting them all would be too long, so, these screen shots are the showing how I progressed through each page after I had finished. Along the way, I have had to create a variety of improvements and changes that I wouldn't have originally thought of or planned.

 After I revised my story (look at the previous post to see where I started) I created a template using Microsoft Publisher margins and adjusted them until I felt that there was a balance between the amount of text and the images.
I started to present my work by using the masthead as a guideline - as it is the most important feature of the newspaper, I placed this on the page where I felt that it would be the most commanding and I started to place the rest of the text around it, supporting it. The adverts were pretty straight forward as I wanted them presented in a uniformed and straight position. I put the picture of the 'criminal' almost in the middle as I wanted it to attract the eye to the the main story. 
 I then proceeded to place additional amounts of texts and images within the margin boundaries. I decided to position the second image on the opposite side of the page for aesthetics, but also for the idea that the two people shown have 2 completely different and opposite cultures,judgements and ideas. At this stage, I adjusted some of the text of the info-graphics and the slogan from 'the TYPE to believe in..' to 'Local News You Can Believe In...' as I felt that was more easy to relate to in the community. 
 This is the finished front cover page.I put the column with a pale grey background as I wanted to break-up the page a little bit and section it into readable chunks...

I started on the second page in a similar way to starting the first page - by creating the margins and using it as a template. However, I wanted there to be a slight difference in the format from the first page, so I made the main images uniformed and straight and the adverts of different scaling, unlike the features on the front page.

This was the finished result of the second page and it basically just spell-checked it and proof-read it several times.